
I was recently commissioned to create a suite of cinemagraph food images for the food distribution company Lineage. Cinemagraphs are photographs that animate in a simple loop to create an everlasting moving image that are great for websites, social media, digital advertising, online adverts and digital outdoor.

Working alongside food stylist Sophie McNamara, we created images that cover all aspects of Lineage’s business, from catering and hospitality to education and hospital food. Each cinemagraph has a subtle movement whether it’s the pouring of cream on a rhubarb crumble to a lime being squeezed over a prawn stir fry. Each one will be used on the relevant page of the brands website.

A benefit of creating Cinemagraphs is that they can be easily incorporated into an existing stills shoot. Meaning you can generate moving content without the hassle and expense of an additional shoot. Keeping the length of the animation short is key as the longer the looped footage, the longer it takes to load in a webpage. All the examples here are all under 2 seconds.

Cinemagraphs aren’t just limited to product photography, the same process can be used for people shots too with movements such as hands or facial expressions.

To see more of my cinemagraphs, visit my cinemagraph and gifs page

pie and mash lr.gif

Photography during a pandemic


American Classics